Western Australia

Dog Rock – Albany

Dog Rock

When you think of Albany, there are probably many thIngs that come to mind. There’s its fabulous coastal scenery, its history as a whaling center, or even the ANZAC’s departure for Gallipoli in World War I. Then there’s Dog Rock. Or its other name – Yakkan Toort.

There was a time when that was probably all I knew about Albany. It had a rock shaped like a dog’s head. Things have changed since then, but on my last trip to Albany, I stopped by Dog Rock.

What is Dog Rock / Yakkan Toort?

If you’ve travelled around the southwest, or even just Albany, you would have seen a number of granite rocks around. There’s no shortage of them. And then there are the special ones, such as Dog Rock.

Dog Rock is a granite outcrop near the town centre of Albany. It is famous for having an unmistakable likeness to the head of a dog. When viewed from the west it appears as though it is sniffing the air.

In fact, it is so much like a dog, that it has a ‘collar’ painted around its base.

Having said all that, you do need to look at it from the right direction. If you look the wrong way, it looks just like, well, a rock.

Final Words

Located on Middleton Road, just a short distance from the city centre, Dog Rock stands as a testament to the wonders of nature’s sculpting abilities. The rock formation is a result of millions of years of erosion and weathering.

It really is a unique and quirky landmark. Unlike other attractions in Albany, it’s probably not something you’d go out of your way to see. It is, however, in the middle of town, and there’s a good chance you will pass it by.


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